Another way of saying poker face

Moneymaker wears his best poker face, keeping one hand on his chin and refusing to react. Farha even tells Moneymaker, “You mustBut emotional expression is not a one way street. We look at the facial expressions of friends and strangers to understand their emotions, but also to regulate our own. The changing face of online poker rewards

What's another way to say 'rub their face in it'? Not wanting to mention something that could cause another discomfort or pain, 'rubbing your face in it' is ... Whats another way of saying rubbing stuff in peoples ... Lose face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary lose face To lose prestige or respect. His terrible performance in the debate caused him to lose face with the voters. See also: face, lose lose face Fig. to lose status; to become less respectable. John is more afraid of ... Poker Face vs Born This Way? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: Poker Face. Born This Way, despite the good message and all, is just really bland and boring. The accapela version is gorgeous though! Eight Ways to Apologize Without Saying “I’m Sorry”

Poker face synonyms and Poker face antonyms. Top synonym for poker face (another word for poker face) is straight face.

What's another way to say 'rub their face in it'? | Yahoo Answers What's another way to say 'rub their face in it'? Not wanting to mention something that could cause another discomfort or pain, 'rubbing your face in it' is ... Whats another way of saying rubbing stuff in peoples ... Lose face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary lose face To lose prestige or respect. His terrible performance in the debate caused him to lose face with the voters. See also: face, lose lose face Fig. to lose status; to become less respectable. John is more afraid of ... Poker Face vs Born This Way? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: Poker Face. Born This Way, despite the good message and all, is just really bland and boring. The accapela version is gorgeous though! Eight Ways to Apologize Without Saying “I’m Sorry”

Synonyms for poker face at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for poker face.

What word/expression describes allowing another to save face ... carefully and without doing or saying anything that will ... to allow to couch a certain way in a public setting, so as to save face" more than "to ... Another way to say the phrase "in your face"? | Yahoo Answers Another way to say the phrase "in your face"? ... You're going to have to "go around it" by saying something like "The Flapper Era" wanted to go against the ... Another phrase for "everything happens for a ... Another Way To Say Any Word, Phrase or Sentence

Synonyms for poker face at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for poker face.

I'm not saying that is the way it should be, but in this case that's what happened - we wrote 'Just Dance' in one hour. Done. 'Poker Face'? One hour. It just happened. Keep a straight face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Note: You can also say that you say or do something with a straight face. We've all been practising trying to say we charge $1,000 an hour with a straight face. Note: You can also say that someone is straight-faced. It's the way he tells a joke. He's completely straight-faced and I just fall about laughing. Council Post: Five Tips To Cultivate A CEO's Poker Face

Straight face Synonyms, Straight face Antonyms |

May 7, 2017 ... The way we learn our job is the same as most other professions. ... Now let's say that same offender got smacked by an eighteen wheeler and killed while fleeing. ... Keeping a good poker face is not just important at a casino. Poker Face: Trump Shows His Hand For Family Separation 2.0 ... Apr 29, 2019 ... Another Trump Immigration Failure: Jared's Immigration Book Report Lands ... Poker Face: Trump Shows His Hand For Family Separation 2.0 ... President Trump is once again paving the way for a new form of family separation. ... Before you would get separated and some people would say let's not go up.

You are a 7 letter word. 5713 is another way of saying good. 1275 is the part of face. 234 is a bird. 67 is cool? 1234567 CHENNAI 5713 = nice 1275 = chin 234 = hen 67 = ai Chennai is a place in ... Word for 'No Facial Expression' - English Language & Usage ... As she turned to leave, the smile faded from the florist's face. If the smile was put on or phony, you could say. As she turned to leave, the florist immediately dropped his smile. If you're trying to emphasize the new, inscrutable expression, one option is poker face. an expression on your face that does not show your thoughts or feelings Poker Slang - Online Poker Slang from Poker Terms Pass is another way of saying 'fold' in poker, to give up or laydown a hand. The term has origins in British poker circles. ... Poker face is a well-known term used to describe the type of expressionless visage necessary to keep opponents guessing in a poker game. ... Race is poker slang for a poker situation that is a coinflip, or roughly 50 ... Other ways of saying/describing "death stare"? | Yahoo Answers I'm trying to conceive a mood with adjectives. It's a relativity short story for a class. I'm trying to describe a girls stare at someone as she chews her food slowly. Any way you guys could re-phase it would be great. Again, thanks to anyone who submits an answer.